There are so many things we do as members of Saint Ambrose Catholic Church, from celebrating sacraments to sharing a spaghetti dinner. In the midst of all our activities we have to stop and reflect upon who we are. At a recent meeting during a discussion of many details to plan another one of our parish events someone in the group stopped the discussion and said: “Let’s make sure we stay focused on the fact that the purpose of the event is for building up community.” That was music to my ears because our purpose can get lost in details. What do you think are the purposes of parish events? Here are a few things that come to mind:
Being Known & Belonging
Connection to God
A Place to Love & Be Loved
A Sense of Safety & Sanctuary
A Parish that Feels Like Home
Share Common Values
The activities we do help to make this list a reality. What I love about Saint Ambrose Parish is that so many parishioners already strive to embody these values in the life of the parish. I hope you find this to be true and that this list is already part of who we are as a parish. But no parish is perfect, so I hope that as we celebrate this glorious Easter Season many more people will enrich our parish by sharing their gifts and resources. In the midst of what we can do, we must be people who love God and one another. The Risen Lord WILL lead us into being people who express love more splendidly. Happy Easter!