Some people are afraid of the “C” word. If you prefer to keep your options open you may find the word “commitment” bothersome. On the other hand, fidelity to our commitments is what gives us a sense of purposes and a strong foundation in life. I like to keep my options open as much as anyone but I also know that for a healthy, well-balanced life I have to be faithful to important commitments. As school starts up and vacations come to a close, September is the month of renewing our commitments after a somewhat relaxed summer schedule.
Each September I invite us to review and recommit ourselves to the Saint Ambrose community in two ways. One way we make a commitment to our fellow parishioners is to support the parish financially according to our ability. So many of you have demonstrated your commitment to the parish by giving donations toward the new air conditioning system. Additionally each year we have the obligation to assess how well we are able to support the ongoing operations of the parish. We have been able to make so many improvements to the church because of your generosity and it is important to keep the momentum moving forward. At the Masses on September 21st and 22nd, we will make a pledge to renew our commitment to God and one another as a community of faith.
A second way I ask you to make a commitment to your fellow parishioners is by giving your time for a worthy cause. To help us consider how to do that we will have our annual Ministry Fair the weekend of September 28th and 29th. I’ll discuss that further in next week’s letter. I bet you can’t wait!