When I visited historical Mount Vernon and learned that George Washington enslaved over 300 people on his farm, I had to ask myself: “What were they thinking when they justified such moral depravity?” It mystifies me when I think about things that are reprehensible yet were widely accepted in former times. One day I truly believe that people will look back on abortion in the same way that we now look back on slavery and segregation. Slavery is not the same thing as abortion, but my purpose in comparing the two is to point out how a moral disorder can be so widely accepted.
One reason for me to bring this issue to your attention is because there is a clinic that performs abortions right here in Cheverly (at the intersection of Cheverly Avenue and Landover Road). In a way that always upholds the dignity of human life at all stages, I encourage our parish family to keep the message of life central to our practice of faith. One thing we can do is to pray for the people who are in a crisis pregnancy and provide any assistance we can to help people keep their babies. Unfortunately, the last member of the Saint Ambrose Gospel of Life Committee moved out of the parish. If you feel God is calling you to this ministry I’d be interested in talking to you.
Many women and men who have been involved with an abortion come to our Church each week and they are very welcome. Many are god and holy people who have made their peace with God. Our task as disciples is to be welcoming and offer healing where and when it is needed.