Children dressed in the proper uniform show a sense of pride in their school and in themselves. Flynn & O’Hara provides the students with the only acceptable uniform. Variations of trousers, shirt/blouse color, or sweater design/color are a distraction and will not be permitted. Students may also wear the windbreaker purchased through the Front Office and/or Uniform Exchange.
Grades Pre-K3 through 5 *Pre-K3, Pre-K4, and Kindergarten students may wear the P.E. uniform every day. | |
Grades 6 through 8 | |
Anklet socks/novelty belts are not permitted.
Only solid white, neutral, or black undergarments may be worn under the school uniform. Solid navy-blue shorts may be worn under uniform skirts but should not exceed the length of the hem of the skirt. The hem of uniform skirts must be knee-length. Parents and guardians are responsible for monitoring skirt length. Skirts that are too short must be replaced.
All pieces of the uniform must be labeled with the child’s name. Saint Ambrose School provides opportunities for parents to purchase gently used uniforms through the Uniform Exchange throughout the school year. These dates will be communicated to families throughout the year.
There is an optional warm weather uniform (September, May, and June). The start/end dates for the uniforms will be communicated in the Wednesday Notes.
Grades Pre-K 3/4 through 8th | |
Students in grades 6-8 may wear uniform trousers with the white golf shirt with logo and navy, black, or white socks. Shirts and blouses must be neatly tucked into trousers or skirts. All students are required to have a Prescott red uniform sweater to assist with temperature fluctuations. There is also a windbreaker option added to the school uniform which may be worn throughout the year as a substitute to the sweater.
The uniform shoe options are:
An all-black tennis shoe, the shoe must be all black (including stitching and/or emblem), with a non-marking sole.
An all-black lace-up shoe, again, the shoe must be all black with a non-marking sole.
(For girls only) An all-black Mary Jane. Boots or high tops of any kind may not be worn as a uniform shoe.
All shoes must be properly laced and tied. Pre-kindergarten students must wear black tennis shoes on non-P.E. days.
A note from the parent or guardian will excuse a student for that day from the uniform requirements. The uniform violation should be corrected immediately. Full compliance with the Uniform Code is expected. Any student not in proper uniform will be issued a uniform violation. Students will have 5 days from the date of the uniform violation to resolve the issue; after that, a $5 fine will be issued for each day until resolved.
Click here for a quick review of the uniform (uniform violation form).
Appropriate clothing is essential for comfort, performance, and safety during Physical Education class. All students are required to wear a Saint Ambrose School P.E. uniform and an athletic shoe fully laced and tied (no light up, slip-on, or knee-high tennis shoes are permitted). Socks must be white crew socks only (small logo permitted on the side). A clean laundered P.E. uniform is to be worn the entire day on the student’s physical education day. All students will have P.E. class twice a week.
The physical education uniform must fit properly. It should be clean and without excessive wear. Replacement pieces for the uniform can be ordered throughout the year from Flynn & O’Hara or purchased from the school’s Uniform Exchange. Students without the appropriate P.E. uniform will not be permitted to participate in class and their grades will be affected. All parts of the P.E. uniform must be labeled with the student’s name. The winter P.E. uniform consists of the uniform sweatsuit and uniform shirt. The warm weather uniform consists of the P.E. uniform shorts & shirt. Students will only be excused from participating in P.E. class if he/she has a note from his/her parents/guardians or a doctor if the absence from participation is for more than one week.
Make-up (including nail polish and lip gloss), costume jewelry, and/or ornate hair accessories may not be worn.
Students may wear small post-earrings in the ear lobe. Hoop or dangling earrings may not be worn.
Boys and girls may wear an analog or plain digital watch (no novelty watches or smartwatches) and/or a necklace with a crucifix/cross, religious medal, or pendant no bigger than a dime (no chokers). No other jewelry is permitted. Children wearing additional jewelry to school will be asked to remove it and will receive a uniform violation.
Hair must be kept neat and out of the face. Hair color is to be the student’s natural color. No dyed, frosted, highlighted, bleached, or streaked hair is permitted. Girls’ hair accessories should be plain, simple, small, and discrete. Headbands must be black, navy, maroon, or the uniform print and must be no wider than 1 inch.
Faddish or trendy hairstyles are not permitted. For safety purposes and to avoid classroom disruption, no beads or shells are permitted. Braided hair brackets must not be bigger than a dime. Boys’ hair must be tied back and not touch the collar. No mohawks, faux hawks, or designs, including parts and lines, are permitted.
Students may not have lines cut into their eyebrows.
No other jewelry is permitted without permission from the principal.